Rearing kids is not a joke, how much more feeding them and putting them to school, right? Education nowadays is starting to be a privilege. It used to be something that can be of access to anyone however now, it is starting to become a luxury. You do not consider just the tuition fee when one sends kids to school, you consider rent, food, pocket money let alone the miscellaneous expenses accumulating every sem per sem. Truly, education is starting to become unreachable to some.

Getting a college degree
Education in general is difficult but college education is a whole new level. It does not only lie on tuition fee alone but even one’s status quo in school. So below are the things to consider when thinking about getting a college education is Korea:
- Rental
- Miscellaneous expenses such as expenses for projects, research and group activities
- Travel expenses
- Food
- Pocket money
Looking at the above, getting a college degree for your kids, relatives or even yourself is not easy. There are certain factors to think about and mostly the factors’ common ground would end up talking about budget. If the budget becomes too hefty, everything would not fall into place. It would be difficult to just send one in school without thinking about budgeting to begin with.
The Education Structure in Korea
- Preschool – for children three to five
- Elementary School – this is mandatory and ranges from ages six to twelve
- Middle School – this is compulsory and ranges from ages twelve to fifteen
- High School – mandatory and compulsory and ranges from ages fifteen to eighteen
Exams and What to Expect on the Curriculum
- The curriculum is actually following through the standard of the Ministry of education in order to ensure that there is unity all through
- As for the exam, there are several and varied exams, however the most critical is the College Scholastic Ability Test or CSAT for brevity. Such an exam would determine one’s placement in the university and such exam also opens tons of opportunities for students.
These are mostly the common things to expect when getting a college education in Korea. It may not be a soothing walk in the park but as long as you go for the gold, getting and finishing college in Korea is not impossible. Different kinds of nationalities have migrated to Korea to try their luck and so far, a lot have surpassed the challenge.