The Advantages
Working for big companies has been challenging to a lot of people because it has been a general perception that big company jobs demand bigger efforts. While this may be the case for some companies, but there are several advantages which employees have found to be promising while working in these big companies or firms. Being employed in a big company can actually impact the quality of one’s life. They can offer their employees endless opportunities for career advancement. Healthcare is pretty much a big deal especially because these companies employ more people.

Big companies offer their employees more benefits, and with a large number of people you encounter everyday, it is most likely that you also find the circle which you feel most comfortable with. While small companies give you a sense of belongingness in a family considering the few number of people you get to work with, but in big firms, you are encouraged to bring out the best of your potential so you would not go unnoticed.
Moreover, these companies invest in training for their employees which is a good platform for everyone to learn new skills and techniques, and even harness those which they already possess. Most of these companies offer their employees more considering that they have more resources compared to smaller ones. Some even have on-site gyms or even a dry cleaner which their employees can freely access.
These large companies also tend to offer more in terms of compensation and benefits. They also invest in the quality of life and the well-being of their employees since large companies require more labor force. Also, technology problems in big companies are most often than not handled by another department, which means that one does not have to worry about troubleshooting crashed computers or networks because there is an in-house tech team which will fix such problems.
The Disadvantages
There are indeed a lot of advantages one can speak of in working big company jobs. However, when there are advantages, there must also be setbacks or disadvantages one has to consider. One disadvantage in working for these big firms is that they are mostly risk-averse. They tend to be more apprehensive when one offers a new idea which involves a major change on how the company works. This serves as a caution in order to maintain the stability in the company.
Opportunities may be endless, but they do not come easy. You have to prove not just to your superiors, but also to your co-employees that you deserve such a higher position, especially with the number of competitors one would most likely face when a higher position becomes vacant.
Lastly, when working in a large company, one tends to feel unseen. It is hard to make a difference or to stand out when a lot of people are also working their best around you. Employees could feel that their efforts are not enough or not good enough to make a difference. With hundreds or even thousands of employees employed, you could sometimes feel invisible.